Naklo arrives at Alston 21/12/02
Naklo awaits to depart at Alston 22/12/02
Naklo arrives with a Santa Special 22/12/02
Leaving Kirkhaugh 13/07/02
Over bridge 13/07/02
Helen Kathryn and the Battery Electric out side the engine shed 13/07/02
Approching Alston 13/07/02
Arriving at Alston 13/07/02
Helen Kathryn awaits to depart on the 150th anniversary weekend Alston 15/06/02
Old Hairy at Kirkhaugh Station on the 150th anniversary weekend 01/06/02
Old Hairy at Kirkhaugh Station on the 150th anniversary weekend 01/06/02
Ballasting the relaid track between the carriage shed and the engine shed 25/05/02
Moving the points between the carriage shed and the engine shed 18/05/02
Lian Alderson pulls the levers 05/05/02